A bouquet of tangible values created to deliver the paradox: Employer-Employee Win-Win & Collaborate-Yet-Compete.
About Us >> Advantage
Optimise costs & talent related overheads. Improve talent search function. Collaborate for skills to save cost & generate silent revenues.
Identity information is control of members. No personal data available for unauthorised view. Access levels to manage internal controls.
Coded to industry standards. Hosted on AWS. Aligned to country specific data privacy norms.
Membership approved on defined criteria. Input data authenticated by industry peers. Data changes transparent.
No Intermediary
Reduces dependence on agencies & usage of job portals. Direct engagement between members. Platform does not act as agency.
Co-created with industry. Run by you and industry peers. Change driven by your needs.
Skill Beyond Boundaries
The platform designed as an exchange for organisations, businesses, industries and government to collaborate for their human capital/skill/talent optimisation. Manage what you own and own what you manage.