Enabling companies to collaborate in Human Capital Management for blurring the boundaries created over time.
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What We Do
We provide a platform for business, industry, government and not-for-profit entities to collaborate for human talent
SBB is a secure and confidential platform to most optimally leverage your skill base for increasing revenue, reducing cost, delivering your social responsibility and reducing the expensive dependencies on agencies
Collaboration Counter
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Member Companies
Real time clock of the members leveraging the platforms benefits
How SkillBeyondBoundaries.Com Works
Apply to be approved for membership of the platform. Check Criteria
Complete your registration on acceptance as member to access the platform & get membership benefits
Set-up, configure your teams & customise per your existing workflows to seamlessly maximize utilization of the platform
Collaborate & Monetise
Collaborate to generate value from the platform by optimising talent acquisition activities & monetising under-utilized skills
How The Platform Works
Request Membership
Complete the pre-registration form and submit for approval of membership to platform
Complete your registration to get access to your membership benefits
Set-up & Personalise
Get your account set-up and personalise your collaboration team
Collaborate & Monetise
Interact with other members to optimise and monetise your company skills
Optimise costs & talent related overheads. Improve talent search function. Collaborate for skills to save cost & generate silent revenues.
Identity information is control of members. No personal data available for unauthorised view. Access levels to manage internal controls.
Coded to industry standards. Hosted on AWS. Aligned to country specific data privacy norms.
Membership approved on defined criteria. Input data authenticated by industry peers. Data changes transparent.
No Intermediary
Reduces dependence on agencies & usage of job portals. Direct engagement between members. Platform does not act as agency.
Co-created with the industry. Run by you and industry peers. Change driven by your needs.
Collaboration Value AssessmentTM
Collaboration with peers and even competitors can/will lead to tangible gains. With this objective in mind, SBB has devised a unique framework to assess the tangible gains collaboration can accrue to an organizational talent management space. We call this framework the Collaboration Value Assessment (CVA) FrameworkTM or a tool that helps you to assess in tangible monetary terms the potential that your current human capital management practices under-serves your organization and how much savings or additional revenues you could generate just by bringing collaboration into the center-stage of your human capital management strategy. Read More…
SBB is committed to supporting the industry and its members in ensuring ease of business in this difficult period. Some businesses are facing an existential crisis while others are seeing a surge in demand. This is a difficult period of flux and the casualty of this flux is people.
The Covid-19 pandemic will result in job losses in some domains like hospitality, travel, tourism, retail, aviation and in the ancillaries that support them. While industries that have projected growth are online retail, construction, information technology and sadly the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. While the scenario is bleak in the traditional talent management marketplace….
Member Support
SBB is committed to supporting the industry and its members in ensuring ease of business in this difficult period. Some businesses are facing an existential crisis while others are seeing a surge in demand. This is a difficult period of flux and the casualty of this flux is people.
The Covid-19 pandemic will result in job losses in some domains like hospitality, travel, tourism, retail, aviation and in the ancillaries that support them. While industries that have projected growth are online retail, construction, information technology and sadly the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
While the scenario is bleak in the traditional talent management marketplace, SBB intends to support through enabling industries to cooperate and work together to address this gathering storm. Not only would this benefit staff but would also reduce the total cost of human capital management. To provide assistance to entities, small and large, SBB has committed a pool of talent that will own the assurance of platform benefit to all our members. Contact Us and your region’s “Member Relationship Partner” will speak with you.
In these tough Covid-19 times, it is a constant challenge for organizations…
Furloughing employees in Covid times
In these tough Covid-19 times, it is a constant challenge for organizations to remain in the green and to do so, one of the tough decisions they have to take is to furlough employees. One of the members on the SBB platform faced such a tough decision and they decided to furlough a number of their employees. They sought out SBB’s assistance in the matter to see if these employees who were being furloughed could be offered an alternate employment using the SBB platform. SBB offered to upload the profiles of these employees on to the platform so that they could be brought to the attention of other members on the platform to facilitate their hiring via the platform. Using the platform, this member was able to give a message to all the furloughed employees that they were trying to get them a new employment and hence the member could prevent brand erosion resulting from furloughing and they were also able to place one of the employees via the platform.
Fulfilling short-term project requirement
A member had urgent short-term resources required for their project….
Fulfilling short-term project requirement
A member had urgent short-term resources required for their project with near-zero turnaround timelines. They searched the SBB platform and shortlisted the required resources and then got the providing member to agree to the transaction in the shortest possible timelines. Thus, the SBB platform was able to deliver a resource at almost no cost to the hiring member and also generate silent revenues for the providing member for their on-bench resource. This way, the SBB platform is helping members collaborate on human capital in a brand-new manner generating tremendous value for all the stakeholders.
A rare skill-set needed to meet business demand
The resource fulfilment team had requested for a rare skill-set….
A rare skill-set needed to meet business demand
The resource fulfilment team had requested for a rare skill-set, the member chose to leverage the platform for their search. They reached out to the member community who were able to provide this skill. The benefit that this delivered to both members is measurable in qualitative and quantitated terms. The requesting member was able to close the deal with no overheads of commissions and benefit from the speed of the transaction. The supplying organisation has been able to retain this skill, that they may have had to lose if there would have been no internal opportunity and the skill would have remained on the bench, now this is a resource adding to the top and bottom lines.
In this manner, the SBB platform was able to provide the hiring member with an alternate option to hire a skillset that was rare to get by in the marketplace. The SBB platform is helping its members collaborate on human capital in areas that are difficult to find resources in by offering them a new way to get to the said resources and thereby generating immense value for both the hiring and providing members.
SBB has addressed a multitude of value points for the benefit of its members. The spirit of collaboration does not stop at interaction between entities but extends beyond to the wider community.
The evolution of our industry is what has brought us to a point where we have created artificial barriers to communication.
The industrial revolution kicked off a number of innovations that revolutionised business models, we have grown from there and built models that have differentiated us from our rivals. These were the foundation stones on which we build our brand and position.
At this point human capital became …
Service Advantages
SBB has addressed a multitude of value points for the benefit of its members. The spirit of collaboration does not stop at interaction between entities but extends beyond to the wider community.
The evolution of our industry is what has brought us to a point where we have created artificial barriers to communication.
The industrial revolution kicked off a number of innovations that revolutionised business models, we have grown from there and built models that have differentiated us from our rivals. These were the foundation stones on which we build our brand and position.
At this point human capital became invaluable not only in the capacity of their skill but also the IP that they developed, organisations were forced to protect this IP through skill retention and legal means.
However over the last few decades we have seen a normalisation of standards with IP moving from the larger human capital to a subset that are at responsible levels.
SBB comes in here to bring that secure area where organisations can collaborate, without the threat to their IP and in a workflow that is confidential and discrete.
The advantage of being a member is the ease of moving into a changing business model for skills and talent exchange. “Blurring Boundaries for Collaboration”.