Collaboration Value Assessment™

Collaboration with peers and even competitors can/will lead to tangible gains. With this objective in mind, SBB has devised a unique framework to assess the tangible gains collaboration can accrue to an organizational talent management space. We call this framework the Collaboration Value Assessment (CVA) FrameworkTM or a tool that helps you to assess in tangible monetary terms the potential that your current human capital management practices under-serves your organization and how much savings or additional revenues you could generate just by bringing collaboration into the center-stage of your human capital management strategy. Read More…


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Terms And Conditions

Full Time Recuritment Metrics

Planned recruitments for a year via third-parties (number of hires)

0-5 years experience This field is required
5-12 years experience This field is required
12-18 years experience This field is required
18+ years experience This field is required

Planned recruitments for a year via employee-referrals (number of hires)

0-5 years experience This field is required
5-12 years experience This field is required
12-18 years experience This field is required
18+ years experience This field is required

Average Cost-To-Company (CTC) of hires per hire per annum in reporting currency

0-5 years experience This field is required
5-12 years experience This field is required
12-18 years experience This field is required
18+ years experience This field is required

Average recruitment charges paid to third parties (% of CTC) per hire

0-5 years experience This field is required
5-12 years experience This field is required
12-18 years experience This field is required
18+ years experience This field is required

Average referral fees paid to employees per hire in reporting currency

0-5 years experience This field is required
5-12 years experience This field is required
12-18 years experience This field is required
18+ years experience This field is required

Contractual / Consulting / Part-Time Hiring Metrics

Contractual hires for a year (numbers)

This field is required

Average rate of contract per annum in reporting currency

This field is required

Average recruitment charges (%)

This field is required

Consulting hire for a year (numbers)

This field is required

Average cost of consulting per annum in reporting currency

This field is required

Average recruitment charges (%)

This field is required
Part-time (shared resource) hires for a year (numbers)

This field is required

Average cost of part-time (shared resource) per annum in reporting currency

This field is required

Average recruitment charges (%)

This field is required

Re-assignment / Retrenchment Metrics

Planned re-assignment/ retrenchment

This field is required

Severence period payable (in months)

This field is required

Average CTC p.a. per re-assigned/ retrenched employee in reporting currency

This field is required

Approximate effort (in man-days) of Human Resources (HR) in this activity

This field is required

Approximate cost per man-day of HR in reporting currency

This field is required

Cost of external consulting in reporting currency (if any)

This field is required

Cost of brand erosion because of retrenchment (if any) in reporting currency

This field is required

Legal & statutory compliance cost associated with retrenchment (if any) in reporting currency

This field is required

Bench & Under-Utilised Metrics

Annual average bench (number of employees)

This field is required

Average overheads (equipment, rent, utilities etc.) per employee p.a. in reporting currency

This field is required

Average cost (CTC) per benched employee in reporting currency

This field is required

Number of under-utilised employee (other than those on the bench)

This field is required

Average utilisation %age

This field is required

Average annual cost (CTC) of under-utilised employees in reporting currency

This field is required

Your desired mark-up (%) on employee that you would lend out

This field is required


Annual Net Profits of for last year (in reporting currency)

This field is required

Current Cost Of All Above Cost Line Items in Reporting Currency p.a