Collaboration Value Assessment (CVA) FrameworkTM

Collaboration with peers and even competitors can/will lead to tangible gains. With this objective in mind, SBB has devised a unique framework to assess the tangible gains collaboration can accrue to an organizational talent management space. We call this framework the Collaboration Value Assessment (CVA) FrameworkTM or a tool that helps you to assess in tangible monetary terms the potential that your current human capital management practices under-serves your organization and how much savings or additional revenues you could generate just by bringing collaboration into the center-stage of your human capital management strategy. SBB’s proprietary CVA FrameworkTM takes your current human capital space variables in form of data inputs and presents you with your organization’s current total cost of ownership of those processes and then determines how much tangible value in monetary terms, collaboration can generate in terms of savings and additional revenues.

So, how does collaboration with your peer or even competitor organizations lead to savings in cost and additional revenues?

Well, for one, there are costs of acquiring and managing the human capital in any organization – these include costs that are paid to third party companies such as recruitment firms who help in hiring talent or for that matter for conducting payroll administration or training and development programs or for that matter helping with support during restructuring activities. Some of these costs can be reduced drastically if collaboration with other organizations adopted and thus tangible savings can be accrued to your organization. For instance, if an organization decides to hire from its peers for its short-term contractual needs – 3-6 month projects from the surplus resources of a peer or even for long term full-time requirements (from unforeseen furloughing that is being conducted by a peer), then, they can save significantly in recruitment costs not to mention that resources so hired are skills validated ones (unlike those that are available from resource databases) with much faster turnaround times than any current traditional method(s) of hiring.

Further, in every organization, especially in the services sector, there is human capital that is not productively employed but is still kept on the rolls to cater for the cyclic of business (for unforeseen requirements such a sudden new project that came up) and hence such resources are on the “bench” – such employees continue to add to the cost line of the organization and hence they put pressure on the bottom-line. If organizations agree to collaborate, then, they can share such human capital on bench with one another for short-term to medium-term projects and thereby monetize such unproductive human capital, which otherwise they would keep on the rolls incurring costs – we call this silent revenue generation process from the on-bench human capital that require zero sales effort, entirely driven from by the SBB platform.

SBB’s Collaboration Value Assessment Framework will in as little as three steps estimate the tangible value collaboration holds for your organization. Further, our commitment to confidentiality means that the information you provide is not retained by us.

Happy assessing your organization’s Collaboration potential!