Silent Revenue Generation And Savings In Cost & Time


Silent Revenue Generation And Savings In Cost & Time

Steps to unlock value:

    • Company 1 (C1) decides to upload bench resources (e.g. Java skillset or some other such skilled resource) and publishes the same on to SBB platform
    • Company 2 (C2) receives request from one of its project managers for resources (e.g. Java skillset). C2 searches on SBB platform and from the search results displayed, shortlists profiles uploaded by C1 and sends the same to the project manager for review. Upon approval of the project manager, C2 sends a request to C1 to hire the said profile.
    • C1 agrees to provide the resource upon evaluation of the request & C2 is intimated on C1’s approval of the hire and both C1 & C2 agree to complete the transaction
    • Thus, C1 is able to generate revenues from its on-bench resources whereas C2 saves on recruitment cost & lead-time in the hiring of resources