Become a Member
This is exclusively a membership based platform where you can request to join or are invited by your industry peers. Membership will be accepted on meeting

Share / Acquire Skills
Collaborate with your peers to share transfer and manage your skill capital to meet the continuously changing demands of your organization.
Invite To Collaborate
Inform your peers, who could be acquirers or suppliers of skills/ talent as is the need, to deliver value to the organisation.
How Works has been designed as a tool that enables organisation to optimise their talent pool, both internally and externally. Built on inputs from the industry on their needs and proprietary workflows aligned to mini, small, medium and large organisations.
Once talent data of the organisation has been uploaded to the tool, the organisation can provide access to this pool to identified individuals. This allows these individuals to view the organisational skill pool and its availability allowing resource utilisation to be delivered easily.
Where the talent manager(s) identify skill available to be shared with the member base of the platform, they can tag that skill for visibility to this base. This skills information can been accessed by all platform members who can initiate an engagement for acquisition of the published skill. This is done in a manner that is secure, confidential and discreet by employing proprietary workflows.
If the organisation cannot find free or required talent within their internal pool they can search the member published data base for these skills. Where suitable skills/ talent is found, the member organisation can enter into a one to one dialogue after going through a proprietary workflow designed to protect the identity of the organisations involved and allow for discretion of the engagement. SBB does not have any charge or fee for skill exchanges being agreed by the members.
If an organization needs a skill count of more than a set threshold of people, the platform enables them to share these requirements with other members. This requirement can be searched by all members who can then fulfil the requirement by sharing suitable skills. Again, SBB does not have any charge or fee for skill exchanges being agreed by the members.
Collaboration Value AssessmentTM
We all know collaboration with peers and even for that matter competitors will lead to tangible gains – however, one would like to know what these tangible gains are before we decide to collaborate. With this objective in mind, (SBB) has devised a unique framework to assess the tangible gains collaboration can accrue to an organizational talent management space. We call this framework the Collaboration Value AssessmentTM (CVA) FrameworkTM or a tool that helps you to assess in tangible monetary terms the potential that your current human capital management practices under-serves your organization and how much savings or additional revenues you could generate just by bringing collaboration into the center-stage of your human capital management strategy. Read More…
Willing To Become A Part Of Skill Beyond Boundaries?
Just get into the awesome space by requesting for your membership