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Full Time Recuritment Metrics

Planned recruitments for a year via third-parties (number of hires):

0-5 years experience:
5-12 years experience:
12-18 years experience:
18+ years experience:

Planned recruitments for a year via employee-referrals (number of hires):

0-5 years experience:
5-12 years experience:
12-18 years experience:
18+ years experience:

Average Cost-To-Company (CTC) of hires per hire per annum in reporting currency:

0-5 years experience:
5-12 years experience:
12-18 years experience:
18+ years experience:

Average recruitment charges paid to third parties (% of CTC) per hire:

0-5 years experience:
5-12 years experience:
12-18 years experience:
18+ years experience:

Average referral fees paid to employees per hire in reporting currency:

0-5 years experience:
5-12 years experience:
12-18 years experience:
18+ years experience:

Contractual / Consulting / Part-Time Hiring Metrics

Contractual hires for a year (numbers):
Average rate of contract per annum in reporting currency:
Average recruitment charges (%):
Consulting hire for a year (numbers):
Average cost of consulting per annum in reporting currency:
Average recruitment charges (%):
Part-time (shared resource) hires for a year (numbers):
Average cost of part-time (shared resource) per annum in reporting currency:
Average recruitment charges (%):

Re-assignment / Retrenchment Metrics

Planned re-assignment/ retrenchment:
Severence period payable (in months):
Average CTC p.a. per re-assigned/ retrenched employee in reporting currency:
Approximate effort (in man-days) of Human Resources (HR) in this activity:
Approximate cost per man-day of HR in reporting currency:
Cost of external consulting in reporting currency (if any):
Cost of brand erosion because of retrenchment (if any) in reporting currency:
Legal & statutory compliance cost associated with retrenchment (if any) in reporting currency:

Bench & Under-Utilised Metrics

Annual average bench (number of employees):
Average overheads (equipment, rent, utilities etc.) per employee p.a. in reporting currency:
Average cost (CTC) per benched employee in reporting currency:
Number of under-utilised employee (other than those on the bench):
Average utilisation %age:
Average annual cost (CTC) of under-utilised employees in reporting currency:
Your desired mark-up (%) on employee that you would lend out:


Annual Net Profits for last year (in reporting currency)
Current Cost Of All Above Cost Line Items in Reporting Currency p.a